Brauers of Canberra!

Get ready to raise your steins at the most anticipated Canberra Brewers event of the year – our legendary Oktoberfest gathering! Pull on your favourite lederhosen or dirndls and don’t miss out on a wunderbar evening of beer, food, and great company!

When: October 12th, 6:30 PM

Where: Polish White Eagle Club

Cost: $30 for members, $40 for non-members

What’s in store for you?

🍻 Beer and delicious food

🎺 Live Oompah band

🍻 Join the German beer competition

🎁 Raffle with Oktoberfest prizes

RSVP: before 29 September

On the forum here:

Or on facebook here:


No education this month, there just won’t be time with all the festivities.

2023 ACT Amateur Brewing Championships

Big thanks to Nic and Ed for running the ACT Championships. Don’t forget to get your entries ready for the AABC’s (Nationals) to be held in South Australia.

Contact the competition secretary at for further details.

The regulars

  • The raffle will have a range of prizes
  • Bring your latest brew to share – in a bottle or keg
  • The 6 pack swap is on again, bring along 6 of your latest creation and receive six more, what a deal!
  • New members are always welcome, so feel free to bring along someone who’s interested, or new to, brewing. But they’ll need to RSVP
  • Rideshare – reach out on the forum or the Facebook page if you’re looking to share an uber or taxi.
  • Don’t forget about COVID, there’s still plenty of it going around – so please consider sitting this one out you’ve tested positive.

Prost! 🥨🍻🎶

Brewers of Canberra!

The next Canberra Brewers meeting is on 7th September @ 7:30pm located at the Polish White Eagle Club. Please support our hosts by buying your first drink from the Polo, or arrive early and explore their menu (mmm Pierogi).


Thinking of entering your beers in the ACT Championships? Give yourself the best chance of success and avoid some simple mistakes that could trip you up and cost your beers. Kurtz is handing over the mic this month and Gilks will run us all  through some easy tips and tricks to help present your beers for success.

2023 ACT Amateur Brewing Championships

Registration is open for the ACT Championships will be held on the weekend of 15-17 September. Not only does this competition decide the ACT Champion Brewer, but it’s also the basis for entry to the Australian Amateur Brewing Championship and all first place beers have the opportunity to be considered for the Bent Brewer (Beer of Show for the ACT Championships).

We usually have up to 300 entries and it’s a big weekend of judging – so please also register your availability to judge and steward over the Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday sessions.

We are aiming to hold the judging out at Zierholz Brewery in Fyshwick, but will confirm the venue and times closer to the weekend.

Contact the competition secretary at for questions or issues or clarifications.

2023 Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is locked in for Thursday 12th Oktober, which means there will be no monthly meeting on the first Thursday of the month.

The invite will be coming out soon, when it does please RSVP early so we can cater appropriately. Cost is to be confirmed and non-members are welcome as usual, but they won’t get the Club subsidised price.

Don’t forget to bring your German-style beer for the annual Oktoberfest beer comp for the much sought after Canberra Brewers Oktoberfest Trophy.


The regulars

  • The raffle will have a range of prizes
  • Bring your latest brew to share – in a bottle or keg
  • The 6 pack swap is on again, bring along 6 of your latest creation and receive six more, what a deal!
  • New members are always welcome, so feel free to bring along someone who’s interested, or new to, brewing.
  • Rideshare – reach out on the forum or the Facebook page if you’re looking to share an uber or taxi.
  • Don’t forget about COVID, please consider sitting this one out you’ve tested positive.

2023 Membership renewal

Thanks to everyone who has renewed their membership already. If you haven’t, you can do this here (


Brewers of Canberra!

The next Canberra Brewers meeting is on 3rd August @ 7:30pm located at the Polish White Eagle Club

Case Swap

It’s finally here, the 2023 Case Swap is happening during the August club meeting. Don’t forget to bring along your case of beer. Also, there’s still time to sign up on the forum here:

Big thanks to FishFrenzy for all his efforts in organising, also our thanks goes out to the club sponsors BentSpoke, Capital and Zierholz, Belco Brew Supplies, Brew Your Own at Home and Mashematics for their generous donations.


Kurtz will be talking about “Laying a place for yeast”. That is, mash temperature control and its influence on wort fermentability.

The regulars

  • The raffle will have a range of prizes
  • Bring your latest brew to share – in a bottle or keg
  • The 6 pack swap has been replaced this month with the case swap.
  • New members are always welcome, so feel free to bring along someone who’s interested, or new to, brewing.
  • Rideshare – reach out on the forum or the Facebook page if you’re looking to share an uber or taxi.
  • Don’t forget about COVID, there’s still plenty of it going around – so please consider sitting this one out you’ve tested positive.

Finally, please support our hosts by buying your first drink from the Polo, or arrive early and explore their menu.

Other Club Updates

2023 ACT Amateur Brewing Championships

An early place-marker for the ACTABC, scheduled for 15, 16 and 17 September 2023 (venue TBC). This is the qualifying competition for the Australian Amateur Brewing Championships (aka Nationals). It’s also the big competition for the club each year and it requires the support from all members to run successfully, especially all current and past beer judges. Please lock this one into your diary and contact Nic or Ed if you’re able to help out on the day.

Club Barrel Project Update

The club barrel project is progressing well, with both Wee Heavy’s and English Barley Wines fermenting well and will be ready to be transferred into the barrels by the end of the month (August). More details to follow.

2023 Oktoberfest

Oktober is approaching fast and it’s time to start thinking about brewing your german beers (yes, even Vienna Lagers). Further details will be posted to both FB and forum. It’s shaping up to be bigger and better than last year! Lock this one into your diary.

2023 Membership renewalThanks to everyone who has renewed their membership already. If you haven’t, you can do this here ( or alternatively at the club meeting.


The next Canberra Brewers meeting is on 6th July @ 7:30pm located at the Polish White Eagle Club


This month Kurtz is going to run through all things Brettanomyces using etymology, historical variance, personal experience and observations to dispel myths.

The regulars:

  • The raffle will have a range of interesting prizes
  • Bring your latest brew to share – in a bottle or keg
  • 6 pack swap – check the forum and the members Facebook page for more details or to register your beer.
  • New members are always welcome, so feel free to bring along someone who’s interested, or new to, brewing.
  • Rideshare – reach out on the forum or the Facebook page if you’re looking to share an uber or taxi.
  • Don’t forget about COVID, there’s still plenty of it going around – so please consider sitting this one out you’ve tested positive.

Finally, please support our hosts by buying your first drink from the Polo, or arrive early and explore their menu.

2023 Case Swap

The case swap is on for the August meeting and will be one hell of a swap. Want to get a sample of a wide variety of homebrew from the club? Sign up on the forum here.

2023 Club Competition

Congratulations and thanks to Nic and Ed for running their first competition last weekend, and thanks to everyone who has entered their beers and those who generously volunteered their time to judge or steward. Results can be found on the competition website.

The next competition is the ACT Championships, hope the brewing going well for this.

RiotACT article

There was a recent article by the RiotACT about home brewing in Canberra, and naturally the club was a significant subject. The full article is here.

30L Barrel Offer

As previously announced at the June club meeting, there’s a limited number of 30L barrels available from Callington Mill. While currently this offer is now fully subscribed, you can still put your name down for a ballot/random draw once it has all been confirmed. Full details are here.

2023 Membership renewal

Thanks to everyone who has renewed their membership already. If you haven’t, you can do this here or alternatively at the club meeting.

As previously mentioned, the committee is committed to finding ways to improve and bring our members a more streamlined experience. This is a work in progress and we hope to have more details soon.