Current committee (elected March 2024)
Office bearers
- President – Anthony Ween
- Treasurer – Amber Hutchison
- Competition Secretary – Ed Wunsch (with Nicole Coombe)
- Social Secretary – (Vacant)
- Editor – Phil Dufty
- Education Officer – Stephen Nielsen
Ordinary Committee Members: Simon Watt, Craig Evans, Andrew Lewis, Richard E, Jason Reilly, Darren Blackhurst
Past committees
2023 Committee (elected March 2023)
Office bearers
- President – Anthony Ween
- Treasurer – Ike Kennedy
- Compsec – Nicole Coombe (with Ed Wunsch)
- Social – Daniel D
Editor – Phil Dufty
- Education – Stephen Neilsen
Ordinary Committee Members: Craig Evans, Andrew Lewis, Darren Blackhurst, Kip Koenig, Paul Haesler, Richard E.
2022 Committee (elected March 2022)
Office bearers
- President – Michael Brown (forum: MTB)
- Treasurer – Will Parker (forum: Big Willy)
- Social Secretary – Daniel Davenport (forum: Double D)
- Competition Secretary – Phil Dufty (forum: phul)
- Education Officer – Charles Newton
- Editor – Paul Haesler (forum: phaesler)
Ordinary committee members
- Assets Manager – Paul Haesler (forum: phaesler)
- General Member – Kip Koenig (forum: toadvine)
- General Member – Andrew Lewis (forum: Stretch)
- General Member – Anthony Ween (forum: Weenie)
- Assistant Social Secretary / General Member – Craig Stokes (forum: Brewtus)
2021 committee (elected March 2021)
Office bearers
- President – Michael Brown (forum: MTB)
- Treasurer – Will Parker (forum: Big Willy)
- Social Secretary – Corey Fisher (forum: Corey)
- Competition Secretary – Richard Brown & Phil Dufty (forum: phul)
- Education Officer – Charles Newton
- Editor – Kip Koenig (forum: toadvine)
Ordinary committee members
- Webmaster – Scotty Taylor (ScottyT)
- Assets Manager – Paul Haesler (forum: phaesler)
- General Member – Andrew Lewis (forum: Stretch)
- General Member – Craig Stokes (forum: Brewtus)
- General Member – Anthony Ween (forum: Weenie)
2020 committee (elected March 2020)
Office bearers
- President – Benny Harmer (Mashhead)
- Treasurer – Darren Blackhurst (Spaz)
- Social Secretary – Andy Cross (AndyC)
- Competition Secretary – Anthony Ween (Weenie)
- Education Officer – Mick Brown (MTB)
- Editor – Craig Stokes (Brewtus)
- Webmaster – Scotty Taylor (ScottyT)
- Assets Manager– Tarun Kalms (Turnips)
Ordinary committee members
- General Member – Charles Newton (Charles Newton)
- General Member – Ryan Keightley (Ryan K)
2019 committee (elected March 2019)
Office bearers
- President – Benny Harmer (Mashhead)
- Treasurer – Darren Blackhurst (Spaz)
- Social Secretary – Andy Cross (AndyC)
- Competition Secretary – Anthony Ween (Weenie)
- Education Officer – Mick Brown (MTB)
- Editor – Craig Stokes (Brewtus)
- Webmaster – Scotty Taylor (ScottyT)
- Assets Manager– Tarun Kalms (Turnips)
Ordinary committee members:
- General Member – Charles Newton (Charles Newton)
- General Member – Ryan Keightley (Ryan K)
2018 committee (elected March 2018)
- President: Ben Harmer (forum: Mashhead)
- Treasurer: David Gilks (forum: dgilks)
- Social Secretary: Frazer Brown (forum: frazbro)
- Competition Secretary: Andrew Lewis (forum: Stretch)
- Editor: Rohan Lilley (forum: Rohan)
- Education Officer: Adrian Ison (forum: Adi)
- Webmaster: Scott Taylor (forum: ScottyT)
- General Member: Tarun Kalms (forum: Turnips)
- General Member: Brian Malloy (forum: Irish)
2017 committee (elected March 2017)
- President: Charles ‘Chuck’ Newton (forum: Charles Newton)
- Treasurer: Darren Blackhurst (forum: Spaz)
- Social Secretary: Nicole Coombe (forum: Nicname)
- Assistant Social Secretary: Michael O’Brien (forum: Brettanomikies)
- Competition Secretary: Paul Main (forum: Hen and Hound)
- Editor: James Gilbert (forum: jamie)
- Education Officer: Stephen Lawford (forum: Lawfo)
- Webmaster: Scott Taylor (forum: ScottyT)
2016 (elected March 2016)
- President: Charles Newton (forum: Charles Newton)
- Treasurer: Darren Blackhurst (forum: Spaz)
- Social Secretary: Geoff Swan (forum: XMD)
- Assistant Social Secretary: Rohan Lilley (forum: Rohan)
- Competition Secretary: Geoff Appleby (forum: Geoff.Appleby)
- Editor: Michael O’Brien (forum: Brettanomikies)
- Education Secretary: Pat Baggoley (forum: PatrickB)
- Webmaster: Scott Taylor (forum: ScottyT)
2015 (elected December 2014)
- President: Joel Baines (forum: Bainesy)
- Treasurer: Andrew Chek (forum: Chekkie)
- Social Secretary: Jeremy Michael (forum: jeremy.Michael)
- Assistant Social Secretary: Tony Hill (forum: Phat Tony)
- Competition Secretary: Stephen Lawford (forum: Lawfo)
- Education Secretary: Pat Baggoley (forum: PatrickB)
- Webmaster/Editor: Jay Henry (forum: BungBrew)
2014 (elected Dec 2013)
- President: Mark Bilbrough (forum: billy)
- Treasurer: Joel Baines (forum: Bainesy)
- Social Secretary: Kevin Hingston (forum: Mr No-Tip)
- Assistant Social Secretary: Jeremy Michael (forum: jeremy.michael)
- Editor: Nicholas Wiseman (forum: wambesi)
- Competition Secretary: Stephen Lawford (forum: Lawfo)
- Education Secretary: Chris Duffy (forum: Duffbowl)
- Webmaster: Peter Daffern (forum: Daff)
2013 (elected Dec 2012)
- President: Mark Bilbrough (forum: billy)
- Treasurer: Adam Langan (forum: Temujin)
- Social Secretary: Kevin Hingston (forum: Mr No-Tip)
- Editor: Nicholas Wiseman (forum: wambesi)
- Competition Secretary: Malcolm Scholes (forum: Luckymal)
- Education Secretary: Chris Duffy (forum: Duffbowl)
- Webmaster: Peter Daffern (forum: Daff)
2012 (elected Dec 2011)
- President: Tom Dixon (forum: Dicko)
- Treasurer: David Gilks (forum: dgilks)
- Social Secretary: Bruce Arnold (forum: bruce)
- Editor: Nicholas Wiseman (forum: wambesi)
- Competition Secretary: Chris De La Rue (forum: Growler)
- Education Secretary: Ben Harmer (forum: Mashhead)
- Webmaster: Peter Daffern (forum: Daff)
2011 (elected Dec 2010)
- President: Tom Dixon (forum: Dicko)
- Treasurer: David Gilks (forum: dgilks)
- Social Secretary: Steve Norrie (forum: Northwest9)
- Editor: Sam Highley (forum: sammy)
- Competition Secretary: Mark Bilbrough (forum: billy)
- Education Secretary: Dan Rayner (forum: DanRayner)
2010 (elected Dec 2009)
- President: Darryl Barbour (forum: DarrylB)
- Treasurer: Paul Haesler (forum: phaesler)
- Social Secretary: Tom Dixon (forum: Dicko)
- Editor: Sam Highley (forum: sammy)
- Competition Secretary: Peter Devries (forum: Nutzy)
- Education Secretary: Ross Mitchell (forum: BroAlt)
- Webmaster: Graham Achilles (forum: Graham A)
2009 (elected Dec 2008)
- President: Craig Webber
- Treasurer: Paul Haesler
- Social Secretary: Dan Rayner
- Social Secretary: Steve Sergeant
- Editor: Darrell Wallace
- Competition Secretary: Charles Newton
- Education Secretary: Darryl Barbour
- Webmaster: Jamie Harwood
2008 (elected Dec 2007)
- President: Craig Webber
- Treasurer: Paul Haesler
- Social Secretary: Scott Hargrave
- Competition Secretary: Stephen Neilsen
- Education Secretary: Charles Newton
- Webmaster: Chris Duffy
- Editor: Matt Brown
2007 (elected Dec 2006)
- President: Gary Picker
- Treasurer: Dominic Staun
- Social Secretary: Craig Webber
- Competition Secretary: Megan Watson
- Education Secretary: Ross Mitchell
- Editor: Dan Rayner
2006 (elected Dec 2005)
- President: Christoph Zierholz
- Treasurer: Matt Tolley
- Social Secretary: Gary Picker
- Social Secretary: Craig Webber
- Competition Secretary: Matt Stevenson
- Education Secretary: Stephen Neilsen
- Editor: Tony Steeper
- Megan Watson
2005 (elected Aug 2004)
- President: Stephen Neilsen
- Treasurer: Richard Fitzpatrick
- Social Secretary: Shaun Gambrill
- Competition Secretary: Tim Hollis
- Competition Secretary: Richard Watkins
- Editor: Gary Picker
- Colin Marshall
- John Lieber
- Greg Bell
- Daisy
2004 (elected Aug 2003)
- President: Dominic Staun
- Social Secretary: Bro Tub
- Competition Secretary: Christoph Zeirholz
2003 (elected Aug 2002)
- President: Dominic Staun
- Treasurer: Walt Daly
- Social Secretary: Cristoph Zeirholz
- Competition Secretary: Richard Pass
- Webmaster: Matt Tolley
- Colin Marshall
2002 (elected Aug 2001)
- President: David Lee
- Treasurer: Walt Daly
- Social Secretary: Richard Pass
- Competition Secretary: Gary Hancock
- Webmaster: Matt Tolley
- Mike Day
- Colin Marshall
- Steve Mcintyre
2001 (elected Aug 2000)
- President: David Lee
- Treasurer: Walt Daly
- Social Secretary: Richard Pass
- Competition Secretary: Gary Hancock
2000 (elected Aug 1999)
- President: Gary Hancock
- Treasurer: Walt Daly
- Competition Secretary: Richard Pass
1999 (elected Aug 1998)
- President: John Nagle
- Treasurer: Ashley Dickson
- Competition Secretary: Mike Stewart
- Editor: Craig Jones
1998 (elected Aug 1997)
- President: John Nagle
- Treasurer: Ashley Dickson
- Social Secretary: Steve Mcintyre
- Competition Secretary: Mike Day
- Editor: Craig Jones
1997 (elected Aug 1996)
- President: John Hamilton
- Vice-President: Richard Pass
- Treasurer: John Nagle
- Colin Marshall
- Barry Munns
- Mike Day
- Howard Smith
- Anthony Deller
- Myles Parker
- Steve Mcintyre
1996 (elected Aug 1995)
- President: John Hamilton
- Vice-President: Chris Elworth
- Secretary: John Nagle
- Treasurer: Rob Quee
- Richard Pass
- Barry Munns
- Mike Day
- Howard Smith
1995 (interim committee – March 1995 – the start of the Canberra Brewers)
- President: John Hamilton
- Vice-President: Chris Elworthy
- Secretary:Chris Pittock
- Treasurer: John Nagle
- Bob Quee
- Len Temple-Heard
- Myles Parker
- Tony Maurer