December 2023 Meeting

Brewers of Canberra!

Christmas is coming round the corner, and there is just enough time to squeeze in the December meeting and the Christmas Party to finish off the year.

The Christmas Party will be on 10 December from 12 noon to 5PM at the BentSpoke Cannery. Come along to share in some great food and beer. More details to come.

The December Club Meeting will be on 7th December @ 7:30pm at the Polish White Eagle Club. Please support our hosts by buying your first drink from the Polo, or arrive early and explore their menu.

Education – This month, Kurtz is planning a Christmas surprise. Think along the lines of “A Christmas Carol” and “The Grinch”, also more to come.

Bent Brewer Award – Nic, Ed and our special guest Richard Watkins (of BentSpoke fame) will be presenting the BentBrewer award at the December meeting. The judging took place with Richard, Dan (BentSpoke), Benny and Chuck judging these beers at BentSpoke’s brewpub.

For the uninitiated, the Bent Brewer is the Best of Show award from the ACT Championships. There’s been some great beer in the past years, come along to find out who wins for 2023.

12 Beers of Christmas SwapHave you got something Christmas themed to share in the six-pack swap?

As usual, it’s a great opportunity to try beers from the club’s amazing brewers and explore some styles you might not have brewed before. It’s also handy to get some samples to brush up on your judging over the holidays! Sign up on the forum here or on the members Facebook page here.

The regulars

  • The raffle will have a range of great prizes
  • Bring your latest brew to share – in a bottle or keg
  • New members are always welcome, so feel free to bring along someone who’s interested, or new to, brewing.
  • Rideshare – reach out on the forum or the Facebook page if you’re looking to share an uber or taxi.
  • Don’t forget about COVID – please consider sitting this one out you’ve tested positive.
