Canberra Brewers December 2021 Meeting Preview and other notables


It’s almost the end of the year but there’s time for one more meeting. We’ve been able to snag a Thursday slot for the second week of December. We’re working on a consistent timeslot for the coming year and will let members know as soon as we’ve got one locked in.
Please make sure you only come if you are feeling well and not displaying any symptoms (get tested if you are!). It is mandatory to check-in with the ACT app, follow current ACT Health guidelines and please make sure you act responsibly in a COVID-safe manner.

Meeting Details

When: Thursday 9 December 2021, 7:30pm – 10pm.

Where: Polish White Eagle Club, 38 David Street, Turner 2612 – main hall.

Who: Attendance for non-members is free for their first meeting, but after then a paid membership is required. Renew your membership here.

Please make sure you only come if you are feeling well and not displaying any symptoms (get tested if you are!). It is mandatory to check-in with the ACT app, follow current ACT Health guidelines and please make sure you act responsibly in a COVID-safe manner.

Bring your beer/brews to share

Remember, our meetings are all about brewing – which includes sampling. Bring your best in bottles, growlers or kegs, and remember you earn NOOKIE entry points for the annual prize draw.

Monthly 6-pack swap

Bring 6 of your brews and you’ll go home with a mixed 6 of beers made by your fellow club members. The more people we get the better, there isn’t a limit on the number of people who can take part and it’s a great way to get feedback for brewers of all abilities. Label your beers and post what you’re bringing on the forum.


Chuck will be running a session on cleaning and sanitising. Ideally we’ll be able to run this in a room off to the side from the hall where the meeting is being held. Kicking off 7.30pm before launching into the rest of the meeting in the main hall afterwards.


Unfortunately, restrictions prevented us from running our Oktoberfest this year, so we’re combining it with the Christmas Party to form Krist-mas Fest!

Kristmas-fest will be held on 11 December at Weston Park. Kicking off around 12. If you’re interested, please enter name plus any extras you’re bringing along. If you have any dietary requirements, please say so.

There’ll be a German-style beer competition on the day so bring your German beers along. Bring any other beers as well!

Club will organise meat and bread. If everyone else could bring salad, dessert plus some beer (if possible) that’d be great. Extra points for German and/or Christmassy salads, desserts and beer.

Get more details and put your name down on the forum.

Club Member of the Year

It’s time to think about nominating someone who has made your year in the Canberra Brewers that little bit better, someone who has gone out of their way to help you and fellow brewers and generally been a part of what makes this a great club.

We are now taking nominations for the 2021 Club Member of the Year award. The winner will be selected by a panel of the previous three winners: Charles Newton, Stephen Neilsen and Dave Johnson. Nominations can be PM’d to Charles Newton, Stephen (dr K) or Dave (Fish Frenzy) before 5pm, Sunday, 5th December.

ACT Competition

There are a few certificates, medals and scoring sheets for beers from our ACT Competition that haven’t been picked up. Announcements of results were done last meeting but if you weren’t able to receive them then seek out Richard Brown or Phil Duftman as they’ll bring them to the meeting.

Lots of things happening and it looks like the Polo restaurant at the Polish Club may be running during our meeting too – DUMPLINGS!



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